Shrimp Farmer Group Keburuhan is located in Keburuhan Village, Ngombol District, Purworejo Regency. This group is located around the UGM collaboration station/pond area which is the result of the collaboration between the Purworejo Regency Government and the UGM Fisheries Department. The UGM collaboration pond itself stopped operating again in 2003, then stopped operating, then operated again in a short period of time in 2008, and after it stopped operating. The main problem faced is limited capital, while on the other hand the investment and operation of shrimp ponds is very high and has a high risk nature.
Usaha Mulia Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is located in Kandangsari, Sukoharjo Village, Nganglik District, Sleman Regency. This NGO was formed by residents of Kandangsari Hamlet in July 2020 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Efforts to empower and strengthen community resilience were initiated through the cultivation of catfish in a 1 m diameter concrete bus. In the early stages, 45 concrete buses have been built independently by the community consisting of 600 people or 65 heads of families. This program is expected to be able to produce consumption fish and its processed products to meet nutritional needs, while increasing the level of income and welfare of the community. A number of KSM partners took part in the development of this catfish cultivation, including Aquaculture Study Program, Department of Fisheries UGM, Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs of DIY Province, Fisheries Division of Sleman Regency, PDAM of Sleman Regency, and Times Indonesia Regional Yogyakarta.
Pokdakan Banjarharjo
Pokdakan Banjarharjo is located in Banjarharjo Village, Kalibawang District, Kulon Progo Regency. In order to support catfish self-sufficiency in Kulon Progo in 2020, the Marine and Fisheries Service of Kulon Progo Regency has established the Banjarharjo Pokdakan as one of the catfish hatchery centers that is able to meet the needs of catfish seeds every year. At the beginning of its establishment, this Pokdakan worked on catfish hatchery and nursery. In 2020, the Faculty of Agriculture UGM and the Aquaculture Study Program have facilitated the catfish seed supply system through catfish hatchery and nursery businesses, as well as developing supporting businesses in the form of tubifex worm cultivation in rice fields. Currently, tubifex cultivation in rice fields in Banjarharjo Village has grown to 5,000 m2 with production reaching 50-70 litres/day. This success has attracted the attention of the Tegal Fisheries Training and Extension Center (BPPP) by establishing the Banjarharjo Pokdakan as a pilot site for the development of tubifex cultivation with an apartment system.
Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Andini Mulyo is located in Jati Hamlet, Sriharjo Village, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency. This KWT consists of women who are wives or family members of cattle farmer groups in the area. The KWT, which has 54 members, has cultivated a village treasury area of 2,000 m2 for the cultivation of vegetable crops, especially kale, chilies, and eggplant. As an effort to diversify the business as well as to increase the income and welfare of members, in 2000 the Faculty of Agriculture UGM and the Aquaculture Study Program facilitated ornamental fish cultivation. Facilities in the form of a simple mini green house with a UV plastic roof, drilled wells, cultivation tanks (12 units), and 20 parent packages of guppies (20 males and 80 females) have been provided to KWT. Currently, KWT has succeeded in producing and marketing aquacultured guppies. However, the problem of water availability, which often competes with livestock needs, has disrupted ornamental fish cultivation, especially during the dry season. Therefore, the procurement of water pumps and water tanks, as well as irrigation networks are considered very important in order to overcome the problem of water availability.
Pokdakan (Fish Farmer Group) MDS located in Dusun Kadisoro, Gilangharjo Village, Pandak District, Bantul Regency. Pokdakan MDS was established in 2019, manages 90 ponds built on a village treasury area of 5,100 m2. The main focus for Pokdakan is the catfish culture. To support the fulfillment of seed needs, currently some members are engaged in catfish hatchery business. In 2020 the Aquaculture Study Program together with the Fisheries and Marine Affairs of Bantul Regency have established the MDS Pokdakan as one of the centers for the development of area-based fish cultivation in Bantul. The release of the MDS Pokdakan as a development group was carried out on August 11, 2020, along with the facilitation of feed assistance as revolving capital.
PKM activities in the form of management and cultivation technical training are carried out routinely on Wednesday nights at the end of each month and incidentally as needed (Figure 1). Some of the training topics include: strengthening Pokdakan management, good fish hatchery methods (CPIB), good fish farming practices (CBIB), aquaculture business planning, catfish and gouramy hatchery systems, catfish and gouramy rearing systems, etc. This activity was also supported by several student researches taking topics and places in the MDS Pokdakan. As a follow-up to these activities, Pokdakan MDS has registered the Pre-CBIB Competition at the DIY Province level. The evaluation of the competition by the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the DIY Province took place on September 6, 2020 (Figure 2). Currently, Pokdakan MDS is improving documents, compiling Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and improving cultivation performance in order to prepare for CBIB certification.
The Aquaculture Festival 2020 Scientific Writing Competition with the theme “Student Innovation in Increasing Aquaculture Productivity Based on Sustainable Aquaculture.” This competition was organized by the Bogor Agricultural Institute on 10-11 October 2020 online via the zoom application. The sub-themes that are followed are production systems and aquaculture technology. The participants who competed in this competition amounted to 22 teams from universities throughout Indonesia. Each team consists of 2-3 people, provided that all team members must come from the same college. The reason we are joining this competition is because the field sees problems in the fishing sector, which still has many obstacles. So it is hoped that this activity will be able to become a forum for developing innovations in the field of aquaculture to solve existing problems.
Pandemic community service activity (PKM) is a collaboration between Aquaculture Study Program and the Marine and Fisheries Division of Bantul Regency. The exploration of this collaboration started by both parties in March 2020. In the long term, this PKM aims to create an area-based fish farming center in Bantul Regency. Based on the results of a survey conducted during June-july 2020 and an assessment of the indicators of success, it was determined that a fish farming center would be developed sustainably at Mina Dompon Sejahtera Pokdakan (MDS). MDS, which was established in 2019, is a beginner class Pokdakan and is located in Kadisoro Hamlet, Gilangharjo Village, Pandak District (Figure 1). Currently, Pokdakan MDS manages 90 ponds built on 5,100 m2 of village treasury land. The commodities developed are catfish, gourami, and ornamental fish. In the short term, coinciding with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, this PKM aims to strengthen the on-farm performance of Pokdakan MDS through: (1) distribution of production facility stimulants in the form of fish feed, which functions as an asset as well as “revolving capital”; and (2) training in management and technical cultivation.
Community Development in Dusun Kandang Sari Nganglik Sleman: Catfish Cultivation in Buis Beton
Lecturers of Fisheries UGM have collaborated with the people of Dusun Kandang Sari, Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman to cultivate catfish. Cultivation of catfish is carried out in concrete buis tubs, which are generally only used for making wells. The advantage of using concrete buis is that fish farming can be done in a narrow area. In addition, another advantage is the cost of manufacturing is cheaper than making an earthen pond or a permanent pond.