Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Aquaculture Festival 2020 bertema “Inovasi Mahasiswa dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Perikanan Budidaya Berbasis pada Sustainable Aquaculture” Kompetisi ini diselenggarakan oleh Institut Pertanian Bogor pada tanggal 10-11 Oktober 2020 secara daring melalui aplikasi zoom. Sub tema yang diikuti adalah sistem produksi dan teknologi akuakultur. Peserta yang ikut bertanding dalam kompetisi ini berjumlah 22 tim dari dari Perguruan Tinggi yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Setiap tim berjumlah 2-3 orang dengan ketentuan semua anggota tim harus berasal dari perguruan tinggi yang sama. Alasan kami mengikuti kompetisi ini karena bidang melihat permasalahan pada bidang perikanan yang masih memiliki banyak kendala. Sehingga diharapkan melalui kegiatan ini mampu menjadi wadah untuk mengembangkan inovasi kami dalam bidang budidaya perikanan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada.
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini merupakan kerja sama antara Program Studi Akuakultur UGM dengan Bidang Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bantul. Penjajagan kerja sama ini telah dimulai oleh kedua belah pihak sejak Maret 2020. Dalam jangka panjang, PKM ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sentra budidaya ikan berbasis kawasan di Kabupaten Bantul. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilaksanakan selama Juni-Juli 2020 dan penilaian terhadap indikator-indikator keberhasilan, maka ditetapkan sentra budidaya ikan akan dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan di Pokdakan Mina Dompon Sejahtera (MDS). MDS yang berdiri pada 2019 ini merupakan Pokdakan klas pemula dan berada di Dusun Kadisoro Desa Gilangharjo Kecamatan Pandak (Gambar 1). Saat ini Pokdakan MDS mengelola 90 kolam yang dibangun di lahan kas desa seluas 5.100 m2. Komoditas yang dikembangkan adalah lele, gurami, serta ikan hias. Dalam jangka pendek atau bertepatan dengan saat pandemi Covid-19 pada 2020, PKM ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat kinerja on-farm Pokdakan MDS melalui: (1) penyaluran stimulan sarana produksi berupa pakan ikan yang berfungsi sebagai aset sekaligus “modal bergulir” dan (2) pelatihan tentang manajemen dan teknis budidaya.
Starting from social media, Sahid Hanan Fauzi (Aquaculture 2018), Ade Bintang Sektya Putri (Agricultural Microbiology 2018), and Rista Tri Purnasari (Aquatic Resources Management 2017) gathered to form a team to participate in LKTI PINISI (National Scientific Week of Research and Technology). PINISI is a series of Maritime Festival activities held by the Department of Marine Engineering, UNDIP with a big theme, “Less Plastic, Save Our Sea”. The amount of plastic waste that pollutes the coast of Gunungkidul has moved the team to take real action. The team collected data through direct interviews with visitors, shop owners, and TPA, as well as adding supporting data. After discussing with Dr. Ratih Ida Adharini, S.Pi, M.Si, as the supervising lecturer, the team took the technology sub-theme and proposed an idea in the form of using plastic in aquaponics to solve this problem. The team’s idea was put into an abstract form which was declared by the committee to have passed the initial selection in early August. The next stage is the preparation of a full paper so that their ideas can be described clearly and in detail. The title they propose is EFIGRIC (Eco Friendly Agriculture in the Coastal). An aquaponic installation system made from plastic waste as a step to optimize the development of environmentally friendly agriculture in the Gunungkidul Coastal Area, Yogyakarta. The team’s long journey finally paid off. At the end of last September, they were declared to be in the top 10 nominations and were invited to make presentations before the jury, which was held on 19-20 October 2019 at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java. After competing with teams from major universities such as UI, ITS, UNDIP, UNPAD, and Sahid University, the team from UGM managed to bring home the third place trophy.
Jakarta High School of Fisheries held a national level competition which was participated in by various universities and various official high schools. The big FISIONTICAL event (Fisheries Competition and Education Festival) includes scientific competitions in the field of fisheries, which consist of essay competitions, technological innovations, photography, and poster design, as well as national seminars. The contingent of UGM Fisheries students, led by Sahid Hanan Fauzi (Aquaculture 18) and consisting of Rista Tri Purnasari (MSA 17) and Odi Jolanda (THP 18), were declared finalists and entitled to present essay ideas at the Fisheries College on 23 to 25 February 2019. The Gadjah Mada University contingent arrived at Halim Airport, South Jakarta, on February 23, 2019. The agenda for the activities on February 23, 2019 was to attend a Technical Meeting and draw a presentation lottery. It was time in the morning to present a fishing essay idea. There were only two contingents of UGM who passed the physical event, namely the essay and poster teams. The essay that was appointed by the UGM fisheries contingent was the Study on the Application of the IMTA Model or Integrated Multi Tropic Aquaculture and renewable energy to be applied to the Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation Pond on the Depok Coast, Bantul, as a step to optimize fishery production and energy utilization as well as a solution for pond organic waste. The process of presenting Alhamdulillah’s ideas went smoothly, and a day later, it was time for the announcement of the winners. The essay finalists consist of 10 teams, and are required to attend national and international fisheries seminar sessions. Based on the results of the jury’s assessment, the first winner of the FISIONTICAL 19 Fisheries Essay competition was the Ten November Institute of Technology contingent, the second winner was the Gadjah Mada University contingent, and the third winner was the Jembrana Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic contingent.