Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Andini Mulyo is located in Jati Hamlet, Sriharjo Village, Kapanewon Imogiri, Bantul Regency. This KWT consists of women who are wives or family members of cattle farmer groups in the area. The KWT, which has 54 members, has cultivated a village treasury area of 2,000 m2 for the cultivation of vegetable crops, especially kale, chilies, and eggplant. As an effort to diversify the business as well as to increase the income and welfare of members, in 2000 the Faculty of Agriculture UGM and the Aquaculture Study Program facilitated ornamental fish cultivation. Facilities in the form of a simple mini green house with a UV plastic roof, drilled wells, cultivation tanks (12 units), and 20 parent packages of guppies (20 males and 80 females) have been provided to KWT. Currently, KWT has succeeded in producing and marketing aquacultured guppies. However, the problem of water availability, which often competes with livestock needs, has disrupted ornamental fish cultivation, especially during the dry season. Therefore, the procurement of water pumps and water tanks, as well as irrigation networks are considered very important in order to overcome the problem of water availability.
To solve problems above, the Aquaculture Study Program and the government of Kalurahan Sriharjo have made efforts to facilitate water pumps, water tanks, and irrigation networks. The Aquaculture Study Program has also procured a new guppy brood. All these efforts are intended to increase the productivity of ornamental fish. Currently, the KWT has succeeded in producing and marketing aquacultured guppy fish.
The Product of Guppy Cultivated by KWT Andini Mulyo